Thank you MitoSpin 2024!
On Saturday, February 3, 2024, the MitoCommunity brought their energy and passion to raise $97,428.05 to help us at MitoCanada develop life-changing programs to support those living with mitochondrial disease. We had riders coast to coast and also had an amazing team join in on our Zwift race on Friday, February 3, 2024.
MitoCanada believes that passionate people working together create powerful energy. MitoSpin unites Canadians from across our big, beautiful country to help create a world where all lives are powered by healthy mitochondria.
How your fundraising and donations helped
Supporting MitoSpin by fundraising or making a donation helps Canada’s MitoCommunity impacted by mitochondrial disease, like Blaine, Sarah, their daughter Julia, and their son Evan.
Evan’s disease onset was sudden. Just four years old, little Evan woke up with stomach pain. During surgery to treat a suspected case of appendicitis, he suffered a significant brain injury. Overnight, Evan became non-verbal and needed to be tube-fed. Then he developed seizures.
It took a year of testing for Evan to get a clinical diagnosis of mitochondrial disease. It was such an abrupt, jarring change. It turned their lives completely upside down. And there was a massive amount of grief. Fifteen years later, life with mito has been tough for Evan. He’s dealt with chronic pain and endured many surgeries and ICU stays. He relies on many medications and has to manage the side effects of those treatments.
Despite the challenges, Evan shows his happiness through his big, beautiful smile. And boy, does he smile, especially when running with Blaine in the jogging stroller or out for a bike ride in the chariot. Blaine and Sarah are focused on the here and now and on trying to give Evan the best life possible. When asked why he spins, Blaine shares,
“I spin to honour Evan (who can’t spin) and to use my energy to raise funds to help accelerate the time to diagnosis so children and families can get quicker access to the support and care they need.”
Every dollar we raised is directed to mito lives that need our support!