Introducing our new program!

CP Kids and Families of Calgary and MitoCanada are partnering to offer adapted bikes and trikes to children and youth living with mitochondrial disease in areas south of Red Deer, AB. FREE of charge. This new MitoCanada support program is called mitoRide.

MitoRide is a new support program we are piloting, in Calgary, which aims to increase accessibility to adapted bikes and trikes for children and youth living with mitochondrial disease through the CP Kids and Families historic 20-year adapted bike program.


What are adapted bikes?

Adapted bikes and trikes have been customized to provide special supportive seats, side stabilizing wheels, raised footplates, specialized handlebars, pedal assist and other features that help children and youth propel, steer and control a bike with confidence.

How the Adapted Bike Program Works

As a mitoRide program participant, your mito child/youth will be a member of and attend the CP Kids and Families adapted bike program in Calgary. Your child’s neuromotor abilities will be assessed at their bike clinic, and 1-3 modified bikes/trikes will be selected by staff for your child to try. You and your child choose the bike/trike they are most comfortable with.

Adapted bikes and trikes can cost anywhere from $500-$5000 per bike, depending on the adaptations and physical needs of a child/youth. The high cost of modified bikes makes them unattainable for many families; together, CP Kids and Families and MitoCanada want to ensure children and youth living with mitochondrial disease discover the joy of riding while building strength and endurance to help manage their mito.

How to participate

Circle photo of Alexis and mom, Jodi Lea.To be eligible, interested participants must live in areas south of Red Deer, AB and have a clinical diagnosis of mitochondrial disease.

To participate in mitoRide, interested participants must complete our proof of diagnosis form.

The mitoRide program will cover the following:

  • CP Kids and Families annual membership fee includes access to an adapted equipment lending program, learn-to-ride program, a travel rental program, counselling from an on-staff social worker and more.
  • Bike fit (professional bike sizing)
  • Bike loan for one year
  • Maintenance on the loaned bike
  • Family will receive a 20% discount on labour for their own bikes at the CP Kids Bike Shop.

Applying is easy!

Complete our Proof of Diagnosis form and email it to us at:

Should you have any questions about our program or the application process, please send us an email using the address referenced above.