MitoCanada has established many rich, diverse and beneficial relationships with national and global foundations, patient groups, academic institutions, technology innovators and industry, some of which are listed below.

Collectively these relationships support the advancement of knowledge, research and care for the MitoCommunity and MitoCanada’s vision of creating a world where all lives are powered by healthy mitochondria.

Canadian Partners

Partners - Cord

Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD)

CORD is Canada’s national network for organizations representing all those with rare disorders. CORD advocates for health policy and a healthcare system that works for those with rare disorders.  They work with governments, researchers, clinicians and industry to promote research, diagnosis, treatment and services for all rare disorders in Canada. 1 in 12 Canadians have a rare disorder (which affects less than 1 person out of 2000), and many others are affected or are at risk but remain undiagnosed. CORD provides information to individuals, and links to other rare disorder support groups and organizations.


Cure SURF1 Foundation was founded in 2018 by a group of families determined to fight for our children’s lives. In 2021, the organization changed its name to the Cure MITO Foundation. Cure MITOs primary focus is advancing research towards a cure for Leigh syndrome and eventually for mitochondrial disease as a whole.  A successful outcome will mean not only hope for children diagnosed with Leigh’s, but also life-saving treatments for future generations impacted by this disease

Discovery DNA

Incorporated in 2018, Discovery DNA Inc. was founded by Dr Aneal Khan alongside a group of like-minded individuals with the goal of providing real, actionable insights into the DNA of clients that would ultimately help them and their healthcare providers make decisions to positively influence health. Using state-of-the-art next generation sequencing technologies, the company performs comprehensive genetic testing services. These include whole exome and genome sequencing as well as mitochondrial genome testing with fast turnaround times and strong genetic counselling support.

Partners - IMP

International Mitochondrial Patients (IMP)

Since 2011, IMP has brought together 16 national patient organizations from around the world and facilitated international discussions about mitochondrial diseases. The national patient organizations support and advocate for patients, fund research, increase awareness and improve education in their country. By joining forces, IMP represents a large group of patients, creating a stronger voice on an international level, and is an international bridge between patients, clinicians, scientists, industry and policy makers.

Partners - LHON Society

LHON Society

The LHON (Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) Society was established to create a home for those in the British Isles affected by and with an interest in, LHON. Our provide access to:

  • Shared experiences of those living with LHON and their families
  • Sources of practical and emotional support
  • Up-to-date information on practical innovation and scientific progress into LHON

Partners - Lumiio


Lumiio’s purpose is to empower health communities through disruptive technology combined with classical research methods to ultimately improve health and quality of life. Lumiio is finding and filling the gaps between members of health communities to enhance collaboration, improve communication, and unlock the inherent power of communities and provide better patient outcomes through transformative treatments and digital tools.

Partners - MITO2i

Mito2i (Mitochondrial Innovation Initiative)

Mito2i brings together a network of researchers, clinicians, patients and advocates, academic institutions, NGOs and industry partners to transform the understanding of the role of mitochondria in human health and disease. Together with its partners, Mito2i aims to deliver supporting technologies, integrative platforms, and interdisciplinary knowledge that will lead to a paradigm shift in the way clinicians approach the diagnosis and treatment of disease and consider the potential role of mitochondrial dysfunction in multiple, prevalent medical conditions. Through innovation grants, they aim to advance research, innovation and treatment. They focus on training the next generation of mitochondrial research leaders and building awareness in mito health and disease research through symposiums, workshops and conferences.

Partners - Mito Action


MitoAction is a non-profit organization founded in 2005 by patients, parents and Boston hospital healthcare leaders.  Their mission is to improve the quality of life for children, adults, and families living with mitochondrial disease through support, education, outreach, advocacy, clinical research initiatives and by granting wishes to children affected by mitochondrial disease. They strive to raise awareness about mitochondrial disorders internationally, highlight their relationship to other diseases, and connect the global mitochondrial disease community. MitoAction provides support through expert education events, a mobile platform for managing day-to-day life with Mito, and one-on-one support through Mito411.

Partners - Mitochondrial Care Network

Mitochondrial Care Network (MCN)

The MCN represents a group of physicians that have expertise and experience in providing coordinated, multidisciplinary care for patients with genetic mitochondrial disease. The network was created to help improve the quality of mitochondrial patient care and implement best practices and standards of care in mitochondrial medicine. Over time, the MCN plans to determine the gaps in mitochondrial disease care and help improve diagnosis, treatment and patient outcomes.

Partners - Mito Foundation

Mito Foundation

The Mito Foundation was founded in 2009 by Doug and Margie Lingard, their friends, and experts in the field of mitochondrial disease, after losing both their children to mito. Their goal is to be the pre-eminent source of energy, hope and support for the mito community, while seeking a cure. Through grants and scholarships, the Mito Foundation funds essential research into the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cures of mitochondrial disorders, and increases awareness and education about this devastating disease.

Partners - Mitocondrial Medicine Society

Mitochondrial Medicine Society

The Mitochondrial Medicine Society was founded in 1998 and represents an international group of physicians, researchers and clinicians working towards advancing education, research and global collaboration in clinical mitochondrial medicine.

Mitochondrial Medicine Society

MitoWorld ™ is a web platform, or portal, that brings together the latest research and emerging fields associated with mitochondrial research, patient support, health resources, and the growing understanding of the importance of healthy energy production in medicine and health.

The platform aims to make more public the researchers and medical practitioners worldwide who view mitochondria as a new lens for medicine and health, taking its place alongside DNA research.

Partners - United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation

United Mitochondrial Diseases Foundation (UMDF)

During the past 25 years, UMDF has built a network of the top clinicians, hospitals and researchers dedicated to fighting mitochondrial disease. They are driven by a nationwide community of ambassadors solely focused on supporting patients and families affected by mitochondrial disease. They are committed and energized to make a difference by funding the best science no matter where it is found in the world and providing critical programs and services to the patient families they serve. UMDF has 90 ambassadors across the United States supporting patient families. They have funded 125 research projects and helped generate $150 million in government grants.