After receiving a mito diagnosis, many individuals may experience similar challenges and uncertainties as other newly diagnosed patients.
With tests to rule out other conditions and tests to gather evidence that mito may be at play, the investigative process can heighten anxiety. For newly diagnosed patients, the diagnosis can be a relief because testing is no longer needed and now there is a focus on treatment options to manage symptoms.
However, patients and their families often also feel overwhelmed and concerned about ongoing care, disease
progression, impacts on family life, and financial hardships. While it is important to learn about your new diagnosis, you cannot learn everything overnight. Your specialists and clinic nurses are there to build your knowledge and confidence in living with mito, as well as guide you in management strategies.
MitoCanada is here to provide you with resources, tools and guidance to help introduce you to a supportive Canadian mito community. Many individuals and families reach out to professional counselling services pre- and post-diagnosis to help cope with the challenges they have faced and the stress, anger and sadness they experience. It may be helpful to talk to someone who can support you during this period of uncertainty. If you or your family feel overwhelmed, consider seeking support from a professional counsellor.
View MitoCanada’s list of provincial and national resources for emotional support.