Read through the list of symptoms below now and check off all that apply.
- Developmental delays
- Intellectual disability
- Dementia
- Seizures
- Neuro-psychiatric disturbances Atypical cerebral palsy Migraines Strokes
- Autistic Features
- Weakness (may be intermittent) Dysautonomia – temperature issues from too little or too much sweating
- Absent reflexes
- Fainting dysautonomic problems Neuropathic pain
- Tremors
- Weakness
- Hypotonia (poor muscle tone)
- Cramping Muscle pain
Gastrointestinal problems
- Gastroesophogeal reflux (GERD)/ acid reflux
- Dysmotility
- Diarrhea or Constipation
- Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)
- Pseudo-obstruction
- Renal tubular acidosis or wasting
- Cardiac conduction defects
- Cardiomyopathy
- Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
- Liver failure
Eyes & Ears
- Visual loss and blindness
- Hearing loss and deafness
- Ptosis (droopy eye lids)
- Acquired strabismus
- Ophthalmoplegia (reduced eye movement)
- Retinitis pigmentosa
- Optic atrophy
Pancreas & Other Glands
- Diabetes and exocrine
- Parathyroid failure
- Pancreatic failure (low calcium, inability to make digestive enzymes)
- Failure to gain weight
- Short stature
- Fatigue
- Respiratory problems
- Unexplained vomitin
- Ataxia (poor balance)
If you or someone you love has check marks in 3 or more groupings, print out the results of this test and share them with your healthcare professional at your next appointment.
Please remember that the test is not intended to replace or substitute the advice of a physician. Only a qualified healthcare professional can determine whether or not you may have mitochondrial disease. Your physician is the best source of information regarding your health.
What Province/Territory do you live in?
Have you or someone you care for been diagnosed with mito (i.e. parent, child or sibling)?
- I have been diagnosed with mito
- My child has been diagnosed with mito
- I care for someone diagnosed with mito
What mito diagnosis did you or the person you care for receive?
What year did you or the person you care for receive a diagnosis?
Please tell us a bit about yourself and your mito experience.
Why do you want to share your mito story?
Any other questions or comments to share